L’Iheal - Creda vous souhaite la bienvenue au colloque international ECOPOL - AL “Ce que l'Amérique latine fait à l'écologie politique".
Pendant 3 jours, des chercheurs et chercheuses de différentes géographies discuteront de ce qu'est l'écologie politique latino-américaine, à travers diverses analyses.
December 9, 10 & 11, 2020, on the Youtube site of l'Iheal-Creda
Over the past thirty years, political ecology has experienced rapid development in Latin America as a result of a great diversity of approaches, views, and militant practices. Consequently, the discipline is currently in the process of academic institutionalization and shows a high level of consolidation as a helpful framework for intellectual and political analysis. The aim of the international symposium is to review the political ecology panorama in Latin America, trying to: 1) identify differences and similarities between Latin American political ecology and Anglo-Saxon approaches; (2) analyse its lack of impact in French social sciences; 3) make a first assesment of the internal diversity of Latin American political ecology, with special attention to the development of particular national or regional trajectories and, 4) identify topics, emerging agendas and new themes, as well as the to debate different ways in which the discipline is reconfiguring.
For the english speakers press the flag above
Para espagnol preciona la bandera arriba
Field of research
Day 1: Political Ecology . Circulations & frictions
Usos cruzados de la ecología política .
Lost in translation, diálogo trasatlántico
Day 2 : Les écologies politiques : des trajectoires nationales
Trayectorias nacionales de la ecología política (Nord)
Trayectorias nacionales de la ecología política (Sud)
Day 3 : Les dernièrs épreuves de l'écologie politique
L'écologie politique à l'épreuve du gouvernement
Fronts émergents de l'écologie politique latino-américaines
December 9, 10 & 11, 2020 : Opening and end of International Symposium
After the Symposium, a call will be made to publish the presented works in different outlets according to the specifications of each theme.